At New System Consulting -

Our highly personalized consulting services are expertly designed to meet the unique and specific needs of your business. With our help, you can achieve your business goals and take your company to the next level. Don't settle for a one-size-fits-all approach - choose our tailored consulting services to get the customized support your business deserves.


  • Are you curious about how our services can benefit your business? Contact us for more details!

  • Want to elevate your planning strategies? Let us assist you with your RFI, RFP, Workflows.

  • Need specialized advice on Utility Network or ADMS, DER, or DERMS? We've got you covered with our professional insights.

Welcome to New System Consulting!

Explore our origin in Akron, OH, and discover our expertise in Utility Network, RFI, RFP, DER, DERMS, ADMS, and beyond. Unveil the power of independent consultancy services with us.

Our Services

New System Consulting LLC provides comprehensive independent consultancy services. Specializing in Utility Network, RFI, RFP, DER, DERMS, ADMS, and various planning requirements, we cater to electric, water, and telecommunication sectors. Let us guide you through a seamless migration and deployment process, ensuring you maximize the benefits of your new investment.